Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen
Deutsche Gesellschaft für DNA Reparatur (DGDR): Support of Young Scientists
The support of young scientists working on DNA repair and genome stability is a major objective of the DGDR, as laid out in the bylaws of the DGDR. The DGDR board plans to promote and support the next generation of DNA repair researchers via several fellowship and award schemes.
- a. · Best Poster Awards
The DGDR awards Best Poster Awards of 200 EUR/award for excellent poster presentation of junior scientists (Master students, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers) at DGDR-sponsored meetings (currently, the biannual DGDR conference and German-French DNA repair meeting).
· Travel Awards
The DGDR provides Travel Awards of up to 500 EUR to allow PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers (up to three years post PhD) to attend DGDR meetings and other conferences/workshops with a DNA Repair/genome stability focus. Applications require the submission of a CV, an abstract, and a nomination letter by a senior scientist (group leader, professor) to the DGDR president with the funding decision being taken by the DGDR board. Either the applicant or the nominating scientist must be a DGDR member. The awardee is expected to provide a short report and a photo after attending the conference, which will be featured on the DGDR homepage.
c· Inter-laboratory Visit Awards
The DGDR provides Inter-laboratory Visit Awardsof up to 500 EUR to cover travel expenses to allow PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers (up to three years post PhD) to visit another laboratory to support research with a DNA Repair/genome stability focus. Applications require the submission of a CV, a project outline, and a nomination letter by a senior scientist (group leader, professor) to the DGDR president with the funding decision being taken by the DGDR board. Either the applicant or the nominating scientist must be a DGDR member. The awardee is expected to provide a short report and a photo after completion of the project for the DGDR homepage.
- d. · Stefan Jentsch Award
The DGDR awards theStefan Jentsch Award for an outstanding PhD thesis focussing on DNA repair and genome stability. The award includes a 500 EUR cash award and an invitation to present the research of the awardee at a DGDR-sponsored meeting (either the biannual DGDR conference or the German-French meeting). The submission deadline will be three months prior to the respective meeting and will be advertised at least three months prior to the deadline to the DGDR members. Candidates need to be nominated by a senior scientist (group leader, professor), who needs to be a DGDR member. Self-applications are not possible. Further eligibility criteria will be announced upon publication of the call for applications. The awardee will be selected by the DGDR's scientific advisory board with scientific excellence being the primary selection criteria.
Stefan Jentsch Award 2023
The DGDR awards theStefan Jentsch Award 2023 for an outstanding PhD thesis in the field of DNA repair and genome stability.
The award includes a 500 EUR cash prize and an invitation to present the research of the awardee at the 6th German-French DNA Repair Meeting in Mainz, September 13th-15th, 2023. The DGDR will cover the registration fee for the awardee and up to 200 EUR in travel expenses.
Candidates need to be nominated by a senior scientist (independent group leader, professor) who needs to be a DGDR member. Self-applications are not possible. Nominations must be submitted in a single pdf file by email to the DGDR Vice-President, Prof. Julian Stingele (, by June 30th, 2023.
The awardee will be selected by the scientific advisory board of the DGDR with scientific excellence as the primary selection criteria.
Nominations must include (in this order)
- Nomination letter
- Curriculum vitae of the candidate, including a list of publications
- PhD certificate (indicating the date of the oral defence)
- Reprint of the most important first-author paper or pre-print published by the candidate
Eligibility criteria
- Date of the oral defence between July 1st, 2022, and June 30th, 2023
- At least one first-author paper or preprint published or in press
Proposing scientist must be a DGDR member